Monday, 24th February 2025.

Posted on Saturday, 25th June 2011 by Michael

Nettalk chooses not to protect Client’s data / Privacy

A little over a year ago Nettalk came on the scene as a competitor to Magic Jack. They were not only a competitor, but a neighbor having their corporate office located extremely close to Magic Jack’s office. Their claim to fame was you did not need to have your PC on to use their device to make calls.

Since day one there was a group of people that were dead set to find the coveted SIP Credentials that would allow them to bring their own device and not have to use the nettalk device. Magic Jack has successfully, for the most, part made this impossible for the users which drove more clients over to Net talk and other services.

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Posted on Wednesday, 30th March 2011 by Michael

Detecting malicious code in webpages iScanner and iScan Script

iScanner is developed by the folks over at The latest update of code was in September of 2010. The iScanner application is ruby based application that has many features:

Current Features:

  • Ability to scan one file, directory or remote web page / website.
  • Detect and remove website malwares and malicious code in web pages. This include hidden iframe tags, javascript, vbscript, activex objects, suspicious PHP codes and some known malwares.
  • Extensive log shows the infected files and the malicious code.
  • Support for sending email reports.
  • Ability to clean the infected web pages automatically.
  • Easy backup and restore system for the infected files.
  • Simple and editable signature based database.
  • You can easily send malicious file to iScanner developers for analyzes.
  • Ability to update the database and the program easily from iScanner’s server.
  • Very flexible options and easy to use.
  • Fast scanner with great performance.
  • Yes, it’s FREE!!

I found this tool extremely interesting and started playing with it. Overall it is a great tool though I found it was missing some functionality that I wanted.

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Posted on Thursday, 3rd March 2011 by Michael

A Hacker’s Proposal:

A little over two years ago I met the girl of my life, not knowing at the time she would one day be my wife.

Social Engineering: The Ring

One day while out shopping she found the ring she would later on wear. The only issue I had was it was more then what I planned on. Though how could you say no to the one you love. I did not let her know at the time and continued to ask what she thought of other rings making sure her heart was definitely set on that one.
Then one evening as I was getting ready to leave work I called her letting her know I was going to stop at the store to get some water. She told me since I did not feel well that she would stop at the store for me and meet me at home. I figured this be the best opportunity to surprise her. Though I was super ill I ran to the store and bought the ring knowing that she would stop by there on the way to get the water to look at it like she normally did. I got to the store and purchased the ring to find that this is a one of a kind ring with no others available like it from that store. Nor did any other stores have one. I spent the last several months visiting jewelers showing them pictures of the ring and asking if they had one like it, all of them were amazed by the design. Once I heard this I knew she would call me tonight to let me know that the ring was gone. Like clockwork the call came through and you can hear the disappointment in her voice.

Phase 1 was completed she had no idea that I bought it for her or what was to come.

DNS Poisoning and ARP Spoofing: The Proposal

Before continuing to read, for those non technical people out there or in the event that the owner of Hip2Save ever reads this, NOTHING malicious was done to their site and all the below took place on my own personal network using our own personal equipment.

What is a better way to say I love you then poisoning the one’s you love DNS to send her to a false site that looks like the original site but has a personal deal, poem and directions. I decided to use the site The site offers daily deals and she loves to visit the site and get free / discounted products, I know we will have to work on her giving away her info so freely. I used wget –m to download a mirrored copy of their site to my apache directory on my backtrack box and altered the page to look like the below image:

That was the easy part. The next part was carrying out the actual spoof and poisoning. Remember it is a race condition to see what DNS server answers first. So I cheated here and set my firewall to my malicious DNS server that I installed on my backtrack so I knew I would win. When I think about it, it would have been easier to setup my own zones for the sites I wanted to hijack, but where would the challenge be there. With that in place I used Dsniff’s arpspoof to take care of the arp s this did not take out my wireless switch like ettercap did. Then I used ettercap –T –q –P dns_spoof (after editing the etter.dns file of course). I also enabled IP forwarding so the packets could be forwarded out and I used my DNS server to handle all the non hijacked sites. The above took several days of testing and researching before I knew without a doubt that it would all work.

Exploitation: Popping the question

Several hours after she got home from work we were both sitting on the couches watching TV and surfing the net when she said “what is this” and started to cry (Happy tears). I was like what’s wrong as I got off the couch and approached her to see what she was talking about (already knowing).  I pulled the ring out and asked her to marry me while getting down on one knee.
She said: Yes and was extremely impressed with my idea for the proposal and even though she doesn’t know anything about hacking she asked that I explain to her how I did it.

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Posted on Thursday, 16th December 2010 by Michael

How to root the Droid version 2.3 code

Tonight I got an OTA (over the air update) from code 2.1 to 2.3 and wouldn’t you know it broke my existing root. You would figure since rooting is now legal they would not touch files that don’t belong to them or change your security settings but they do. So a quick Google lead me to Z4Root, unfortunately it has been removed from the market place but it can be downloaded from .

Once you download the file follow these easy steps to get root back or get root for the first time.

1. Connect the phone to the USB of your computer and choose mass storage mode.
2. Copy the file to the root of the SD card
3. Unplug the phone and let the SD card become ready
4. Use the files app to browse the Phone files and locate z4root.1.3.0.apk
5. Click on z4root.1.3.0.apk you will be prompted with a security warning that you can’t run applications from a non-market source. Simply change that setting when the setup brings you to that screen
6. Next you will need to enable USB debugging.
7. Once you enable USB debugging re-run the app and overwrite the existing configuration
8. Click on permanent root and be patient.
9. Once done your phone will reboot and you now have root.

With root you can run apps like barnacle a free wifi tether app that I think is better than the tether app. Also you can run apps like shark (wire shark for the droid) and many other cool apps that Verizon does not want you to run.

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Posted on Tuesday, 7th December 2010 by Michael

VoIP My Way is offering free VoIP phone service. There is no cost and they provide you with your SIP credentials so there is no hacking involved. Head over to to sign up now and start placing free calls.

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Posted on Friday, 3rd December 2010 by Michael

With the end of Magic Jack being able to be hacked to use on any SIP device such as in Asterisk, an ATA or x-lite we have formed a sister company VoIP My Way. We are offering open SIP service. The service includes a web based portal to manage your account, SIP credentials, E911, unlimited channels, 1 local number, 1000 minutes of US and Canada calling a month, free support and so much more. We are currently offering our readers of Digital Offensive a special 1 year pricing of 85.00 and free account setup. That is less than 8.00 a month, the cost of one stop at McDonalds or any other fast food place. For this amount you are guaranteed stress free open SIP phone service.

To purchase this service click the buy it now button. In the comments put you’re State, City and Area code so we can give you a list of numbers available in your area. I there is no numbers available in your area (highly unlikely) we will refund you your money or find one closer to you. You can try the service for 90 days and if you don’t like it cancel it any time with in the first 90 days and you will be only charged for the minutes used, phone number, E911 and taxes.

Accounts can take up to 24 hours to setup and verify the buyer. You will need to fax a signed contract and TOS agreement back to us.

If you are a pen tester and want to do war dialing contact us for a special deal on using our service with warvox.

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Posted on Monday, 8th November 2010 by Michael

My Home Office VoIP PBX Setup

I figured it was about time that I showed what I have setup in my home for a phone system. This is only the start as new products come in and as budget allows we like to purchase new items to see how we can tie them into the system.

Our current wish list includes an IP based Door Phone / Bell. There are a few on the market but the price tags run from 150 to over 1,000 dollars.

Currently on our home phone system we are using our own VoIP service from our spin off company called VoIP My Way (, which is fully up and running but we are currently working on pricing and a website. Our current thought process is to offer it like Magic Jack does with a mixture of what Whistle phone does. Basically for a low monthly fee you can have unlimited* calling to the US and Canada and basically won’t need any dongle. To help offset costs we are going to play a 15 to 20 second ad on all outbound calls. Ad free plans will be available as well.  At home we also use whistle phone as a backup trunk and for long calls to save costs.

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Posted on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010 by Michael

Google Voice and Whistle Phone for free calls and a local DID on any SIP device

With the latest round of rotating passwords from Magic Jack and no end in sight many are looking for other alternatives. I for one have started my own VoIP service after years of providing VoIP consulting services. I wanted something reliable. Though there are those out there that still want free solutions.

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Posted on Monday, 25th October 2010 by Michael

Some time this weekend Magic Jack release another update to the system that now has the SIP passwords rotating again. We discovered this early this morning and have not had the time to fully research this as of yet. Please stay tune for updates.

Side note for the Magic Jack staff that I know visit the site, if you would just provide the SIP to us even if you charged 10 dollars more a year and no support for bring in your own device then we would not have to write these tools and you can make more money off of us.


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Posted on Friday, 22nd October 2010 by Michael

MJSIP version 2.0 Beta: Automating the Magic Jack SIP retrieval

What is MJSIP version 2.0 beta:

After a very successful following our first version and recent changes to how Magic Jack is handling passwords and usernames we have decided to update our script with additional filters and added the ability to find your username as well since it is not always E_number_01.

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