Posted on Wednesday, 10th April 2013 by Michael
The CCDC is one event I look forward to each year. The event allows me to give back to the community as well as have some fun. During this years event there are several key areas I am looking forward to.
- Cisco Firewalls: Did you learn your lesson from last year?
- Web Applications: Firewalls don’t protect public facing sites and if you block it then no one can get there.
- Ham Radio: Public ability to monitor conversations. Not allowed to be cryptic on the air waves. You might want to learn Morse code.
- Badges: What can I say Larry and Darren got some mad ninja skills in designing this section of the contest.
Remember your plan and that when you mess up the CIO will be waiting for you, though this year i am guessing it would be the 5 star general or something along those lines.
You all there.
Posted in CCDC | Comments (1)
April 10th, 2013 at 7:06 pm