Posted on Thursday, 16th December 2010 by Michael

How to root the Droid version 2.3 code

Tonight I got an OTA (over the air update) from code 2.1 to 2.3 and wouldn’t you know it broke my existing root. You would figure since rooting is now legal they would not touch files that don’t belong to them or change your security settings but they do. So a quick Google lead me to Z4Root, unfortunately it has been removed from the market place but it can be downloaded from .

Once you download the file follow these easy steps to get root back or get root for the first time.

1. Connect the phone to the USB of your computer and choose mass storage mode.
2. Copy the file to the root of the SD card
3. Unplug the phone and let the SD card become ready
4. Use the files app to browse the Phone files and locate z4root.1.3.0.apk
5. Click on z4root.1.3.0.apk you will be prompted with a security warning that you can’t run applications from a non-market source. Simply change that setting when the setup brings you to that screen
6. Next you will need to enable USB debugging.
7. Once you enable USB debugging re-run the app and overwrite the existing configuration
8. Click on permanent root and be patient.
9. Once done your phone will reboot and you now have root.

With root you can run apps like barnacle a free wifi tether app that I think is better than the tether app. Also you can run apps like shark (wire shark for the droid) and many other cool apps that Verizon does not want you to run.

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    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by phat32, Michael LaSalvia. Michael LaSalvia said: New post: How to root the Droid version 2.3 code: […]

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