Posted on Wednesday, 18th January 2012 by Michael

Today is January 18th 2012. This is an important date in history as today is the day that thousands of websites are blacking out in protest to two very controversial bills that are written in hast that will censor the internet. At a high level the government plans to use these two bills to legally hijack websites / domains that they deem inappropriate or to be dealing with piracy. They will do this through techniques that can jeopardize your internet security. This will not only affect Americans but everyone as the US has much of the internet infrastructure.

A revised bill putting the burden to protect copyrighted material on the entity is what is required not giving the government the ability to make the decision what to block and what not to block. Our government has more important issues to deal with then doing the legal leg work that these entities should be doing to protect their content.

Watch the video below for more information:

To get more information on the bill from a more reliable source (EEF):

To sign the petition click here:

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