Posted on Friday, 6th November 2009 by Michael

CCDC Documentary Video Released

For those that know me each you I volunteer some of my time to help college students who are interested in Information Security put their knowledge to the test through the CCDC (Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition).

Each year I join other professional penetration testers and security guru’s to fill the role of the “Red Cell”. We become the guys that you learn fear for the next 12 to72 hours depending if it is the regional prelim or regional final CCDC event. We have one purpose and one purpose only to get in to the students fictitious company and cause them to lose points and business.

In the mean time the students are broken down by colleges. The student teams are referred to as the “Blue Cell” and each group has the exact same network that they are working with as well as the exact same business injects they must complete in order to gain points. The students take on the role of a newly hired IT firm as the company had just released all their IT staff for one reason or another and the CEO is demanding the business to continue as normal (Sounds familiar?)

At the end of each event since this is a learning experience for the kids we do a question and answer session to give these students the opportunity to ask us how it was done. What they can do better and so on and so forth.

Now for the first time ever you can see the full length CCDC documentary that was professionally filmed in HD at

I make appearances and interviews in several of the videos.


To learn more about the CCDC check the following sites:

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